what do you think that you continue to smoke.
if you no longer care about this life?
if you already do not care anymore the same family?
if you do not care about the environment?
I'm sure you can stop smoking. The most important thing is yourdetermination to quit smoking and when will it come back, think about the bad things that will cause smoke cigarettes, such as:
• Heart disease and stroke.
One in three deaths in the world associated with heart disease andstroke. Both diseases can cause "sudden death" (sudden death).
• Lung cancer.
One in ten heavy smokers will develop lung cancer. In some casescan be fatal and cause death, because it is difficult to detect at an early stage. The spread can occur rapidly to the liver, bone andbrain.
• Oral cancer.
Smoking can cause oral cancer, tooth decay and gum disease.
• Osteoporosis.
Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke can reduce blood oxygencarrying capacity of smokers by 15%, resulting in bone fragility thatis more easily broken and takes 80% longer to heal. Smokers are also more easily suffer from spinal pain.
• Cataracts.
Smoking can cause interference with the eye. Smokers have 50%higher risk of cataracts, can even cause blindness.
• Psoriasis.
Smokers are 2-3 times more often affected by psoriasis is notcontagious skin inflammation that feels itchy, and leave red streakson the entire body.
• Hair loss.
Smoking lowered immune system, the body more susceptible todiseases such as lupus erimatosus that causes hair loss, ulcerationof the mouth, redness of the face, scalp and hands.• The impact of smoking in pregnancy.
Smoking during pregnancy causes fetal growth is slow and canincrease the risk of low birth weight (LBW). Risk of miscarriage inwomen smokers is 2-3 times more frequently because of carbonmonoxide in cigarette smoke can decrease oxygen levels.
• Impotence.
Smoking can cause sexual impairment due to reduced blood flow to the penis so that erections do not occur.
smoke kill your self..dont do that.. love your life
how can i stop smoke??